Sunday, July 21, 2013

The bus't night of my life

So this read concerns the bus ride home from  Goa'in to Goa. Cheesy. Yes, I'm on a role. But this bus ride is one of two experiences that I've had here in India where I felt like there was an above average possibility of physical harm or death. I say above average because there's been quite a few times where I've felt like I was in a position where bad things could happen. 

For the most part I thought the ride was fun and silly, but I was definitely nervous nearly the whole time. The road bumps that line nearly every road weren’t even a cause for the driver to slow down as we barreled over them.  My roommate Eliza was scared to death. And I mean that in the most real sense. I don’t blame her because it did seem like the driver was trying to kill us. 

Most of the group was car sick due to the insane driving, and we attempted to calm our bodies by going out into the hall to look out the windows. The hall was located on the right side of the bus, so every time we took a left turn we were thrown towards the window. It was black as night when we looked far-right through the windows. This was simply because it was night time. But when we looked to our left, the bus lights showed us just how nutso the whole operation was. It was insane enough that if you let what saw get to you, it quite literally felt like you were going to die by bus roll. On the other hand, if you let go of that fear, it felt like some crazy ride at an amusement park.  I personally chose to fit right in the middle of fear and fun because that allowed for the most exhilarating experience.  
I was like… “Am I gonna die this turn!!!!?? NOOOPE!!!!”....every time that left turn was made. 

We did ask the driver to slow down, but him and his crew (bus and truck drivers always have a crew of probably their closest bros with them), just laughed and said ok. Of course they didn’t, but what matters is that I am here now, living to tell my experience. 

OH! One more thing that was kinda funny. Along the way we stopped a few times to have a police officer search for liquor. Apparently smuggling alcohol across state borders is common  due to the fact that it’s significantly cheaper in Goa than in other states. The cabin behind our groups happened to get caught, but they would just pay the officer off every stop it was found, and then we would find ourselves back and merrily on our way.

So ya. That’s how the police work around here with just about everything.

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